Strings of Growth-Haiku

With a wave, yellows knotted

Both hands clasped , the knot is red

Together forever, Knots formed ahead.

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I am very excited to announce that this Valentine’s Day , we got engaged:-)

It has been a wonderful experience , so far!

Wonders of New Mexico -Day 3

On our third day, we solely spent our time visiting the Bandelier National Monument.

These monuments preserve the homes and territories of the ancestral Puebloans of a later era in the South-West. Most of the pueblo structures date to two eras, dating between 1150 and 1600 AD.

So much for its history:

It was an hour and almost 45 minutes drive from where we were staying at the time. One our way we passed through the White Mountains which truly resembled its name at the time. Covered with snow the mountains looked amazing .

Source : My Google Pixar 4 plus
Clicked on Nikon L830

It was a wonderful experience for me as I had never seen such a picturesque view.

Once there, we first went to the Visitor’s Centre .

Clicked on Nikon L830

There we chose the “Main Loop Trail” which took us almost 1 hour 45 minutes to complete. Throughout trail there are ladders you must climb to get into the ancient Puebloan houses.

I have posted here some pictures that we clicked while walking through the trail.

When we began walking towards the Puebloan dwellings.
The houses from far. Try to identify the little ladders connecting the houses.
This well or large dug out area was supposedly used for some rituals as mentioned by the archaeologists.
View from a house. Notice the mountains opposite, covered in snow.
Mr. Long Legs sitting in one of the dwellings.
Us after we completed the trail.

I would rate this tourist spot a 5/5 . Please make sure to visit this monument when you are there in New Mexico.

Anathema of Desire

Childhood with unfulfilled wishes,

Meeting everyone’s expectations,

Her mind shaped up desiring better,

A successful future, beautiful life

She did want to spend it with someone,

Did her struggle conflict in a way with his wishes?

Overwhelming him, that she didn’t want,

Before he could figure, she took the step ahead.

© Meloheart

In my lowest

Mental strength was what you needed to see me cry,

Did you have it in you , to hold me , ask me to let it out?

Deciding the fact for me , you walked out

My tears did not stop mid-way, nor did it wash everything

First time, I would say it was alright

But the second time, I knew you couldn’t handle me

Not expressing your emotions, you wanted me to put a hold on mine

Mine spluttered and in a second you were out of it.

copyright Meloheart

Expectations Null

Living alone , it is not difficult. The more we think about it , it starts making some sense.

When we live with anybody , whether it be our parents or partner or friends. Specifically for partners or friends we go into it without any expectations. Remembering the quote, never expect anything from anyone is not really easy when you are far into the relation. When you want them to put up equivalent effort as yours, but you know in the back of your mind ; that is not possible. They really care for you in their own way, but they are not you, so don’t expect them to do something you would have done. The other person is a different person for a reason, so he or she might have different way of working things out. What we must do , is let things go with the flow sometimes when situation allows. Keep our expectations null.

© Meloheart

Little Happiness

Thinking about chocolate chip cookies,

Breathing in and out the pleasant breeze,

Did I ever think , it is the Optimism?

Something I fight with, instead of the criticism-

Seeing the squirrels play around,

My mind feels active and sound,

This little entities of happiness, that I carry

Will never let me tarry,

Love from all of you,

Makes my life bright with wonderful hue.



” I took the job”, he told me over the phone and I suddenly felt my mouth opening, gaping like a fish.

I was walking through the tiny lane of a vegetable market and my sudden halt made the person behind me grumble a few words. Most of which included ‘younger generation’, ‘phones’ and how our lives are a mess.

“You told me , ” I started walking again “You needed time to gain some semblance and what about”? turning towards a shopkeeper, I realized that my voice had been amplified; much more than intended. “What about the worries you shared yesterday?”

Source: Indian Market

He was quite for a while and I had to check if the line was still on.

“Well, the boss called me last night.”

” And what convinced you?” I was smiling now.

“I surely am easily persuaded,” he sighed, there was some relief in that.

“Ask me, I have been trying to do that for four years now,” I was still standing in front of the shop.

“Trying to make me fall in love with you?” some sort of cankering could be heard .

” You realized that now,” shopping now would not be of much use, I realized. He would be here soon.

“Can’t share the secret , anyways where are you now?” I could hear the roar oh motorbike.

Copyright: meloheart


After a bickering and bantering session yesterday. I felt the need to ask him “Do you think what we are doing is healthy?” I sighed “I mean we argue most of the time”.

A smile made its way into his face “Both of us are stubborn individuals and we never did agree to go on head along with every decision?” he quirked a brow.

“No, we didn’t . May be this is normal for us.” I wondered before munching on the last of my biscuits.

“It is dear. Believe me”!

Image result for cranberry cookies

copyright: meloheart

Words Left Unsaid ( From her viewpoint)

I wish you I could understand this ,

When you put obvious efforts to avoid me,

It might be the ‘nothing stage’ in your head;

For me it definitely is something-

Where I have to act as the mature one,

Precisely is it always the situation? May be,

I have lost count now,

You might tell me about the space a man needs,

Again that would be fruitful had we been too close.

copyright meloheart