Two Awards again

I’m truly overwhelmed to have been nominated for the following two awards -The Sunshine Blogger Award and Black Cat, Blue Sea Blogger Award by Chape and Pal fitness.Both of them have blogs where you can find lots of stuff on fitness , health and nutrition. My heartwarming thanks to both.
Now with the awards, the sunshine blogger award is given to those who bring inspiration and positivity to their readers and followers.


The Rules:
1.Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions from your nominator.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers.
4. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Questions for me:
1. Favorite subject at school.

2.What 3 words describe you best? Impatient, Caring, Agile.

3. What is your favorite quote?
“It always seems impossible until its done. ” by Nelson Mandela

4.Why did you start blogging?
Because I needed a way to express and publish my various ideas and blogging provided me that platform.

5.What aspect of blogging do you love the most?
I get to learn something new everyday.

6.What do you feel is the most important takeaway for your readers?
Till I’m not very sure about it.

7.What’s your favorite hobby?
I like reading lots of books when I  don’t have loads of work.

8.Who is your dreams dinner party guest?
I have none.

9.Where is your happy place?
My home sweet home.

10. How do you handle a stressful day?
Its turns out to be a disaster for me and my darling Boo has to be the victim of all my rage .He seems to take it  lightly nowadays.

11.What was one of the most unusual experiences you’ve encountered?
Every new experience for me is unusual.

My Sunshines
2.Seeking you first
3.Clueless Birdie
6.Millie Schmidt
8.Tony Burgess
11.Nishthur Anadi

My Questions
1.What is your favorite season?
2.What inspired you to start blogging?
3.Are you a cat person or a dog person?
4.If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
5. Name your favorite book.
6.What do you love more -poetry or prose?
7.Who is your favorite author?
8.Do you believe in reincarnation?
9.What is your favorite dish?
10.Countries you have visited.
11.What is your favorite movie of all time?

Time for the next award that is,  black Cat blue sea awarimage


Rules for black cat , blue sea
Anybody nominated can nominate seven (lucky number ) other bloggers. Anybody nominated answers three questions. The questions you ask while nominating can be any three  questions. If any of the questions asked are offending or simply do not want to be answered,  the nominee doesn’t have to answer them to earn the award.
This award is for bloggers who strive to write for everybody,  and no matter how many viewers they get,  make an impact on a reader.  This award is an expression of gratitude to the nominees. It should be awarded to anybody that you choose deserves it and it doesn’t mean that they must have hundreds of followers and likes.

My nominees

2.I am a blogger too
3.Wandering soul
6.Dreamy Michaela
7.Shine power positive

These are the 3 questions that you need to answer:
1.Who was the first blog /blogger you heard of/read and did they inspire you to start?
2. Do you see blogging as a future career or just a side hobby?
3.What is your all time favorite album and why?  How does it make you feel when you listen to it?

My answers to the above questions:

1.There was not just one blogger,  there were many who inspired me to blogging.

2.Side hobby

3.My all time favorite album is Mehraj -E*Ghazal by Asha Bhosle.  It calms my mind.

Congratulations to all the nominees of the awards .Happy blogging .


Real Neat Blog Awards

I am very late in writing this post actually, should have done it much earlier. I have been nominated by Vikram Bishla for the Real Neat Blog Award. My sincere thanks towards him. He is a versatile blogger,  writes on issues related to daily affairs,  fashion,  he is also interested in writing micro stories. An interesting personality that he has I’m sure you would love visiting his blog.


Award Rules:-
1. Thank the person who nominated you and pingback.
2. Complete the task that your nominator has assigned.
3. Give them a challenge to complete and share these rules.
4. Include the logo,  above in your acceptance post.

My nominees are:
1.Ngobesing Romanus
2.My silly World
3.Hook line and ink well
4.Mind & life matters
5.Misterman’s take
6. Mindfulness
7 Techie Family

Now here’s your challenge in my next post I’ll post a short story and you’ll have to change the climax. But there’s a condition the characters cannot be altered neither the timeline. 😀 Best of Luck with that.


Two Awards

So here I’m being nominated for two awards. I’m excited?  Yes very much.  The first one is Versatile Bloggers Award for versatility in writing a few poems and short stories , the stories they are not too short and the poems I’m not sure of their forms. But I’m am very thankful  to My silly world for nominating me and I my hearty thanks to  Megan for nominating for the Sunshine Blogger Award.
My silly world writes poems and stories on variety of topics. She’s from Phillipines. 
Megan is another of my blogger friend who likes making others happy her posts are humorous,  lively, and reality based.
You can check their blogs by clicking on the links I’ve provided.

7 things about me:

1. I am a single child and my father is doting enough to make me work like soldier in a camp.

2. I love reading books of any sort specially romantic ones.

3. My friendship is extremely loyal where I’m the one always giving them gifts. 😳

4. I love cooking,  unless I have to peel and cut the vegetables.

5. Unistalled COC from my phone not because I lose most of my attacks (which I do ) rather its my phone which was ready to blast (I thought so ) because I played continuously for four hours.

6.  I am honest, dignified and a bit egoistic.

7. My actions speak in volume (I’d hit somebody rather trying to make peace ).

Now the rules for sunshine blogger award:
1.Thank the blogger who nominated you for the award.
2. Display the banner /sticker /logo on your blog.
3. Share 7 facts or things about yourself.
4. Nominate 5 bloggers that you admire and inform nominees by commenting on their blog.

Nominees for Sunshine Blogger Award: 
1. Ngobesing Romanus
2. Rosemawrites
3. Black Rose of Ice
4.My silly World
5. Hookline and Inkwell

Rules for Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Include a link to their blog.
3. Next,  select 15 blogs  that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
5. Finally,  tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself

Nominees for Versatile Blogger Award: 
1.Mind and Life Matters
2. Misterman’s take
3. Blabber wockying
4. Mehrling Muse
5. Ajay Kohli
6. Darland Poetey
8. Maxima
9. Erikakind
10.Simply me
11. Love letters to a ghost
13. Calmkate
14. Techie family
15. Wander laur

I hope all of you will check out each others blogs through the links I provided.


Blogger Recognition Award


I am overwhelmed with joy for being nominated by a prosperous fellow blogger Deb for this award. It really makes me happy because she nominated me,  who is still a newbie in the blogosphere. Do visit her blog,  I’m sure you’ll learn lots from her.
Here are the rules for this award:

1.Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

2.You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you
3.Write a post to show your award
4.Give a brief story of how your blog started
5.Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers
6.Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
7.Attach the award to the post (right click and save, then upload)

8.Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them

9.Provide a link to the award post you created

How my blog started:
I had heard about this blogging thing two years back. Initially I couldn’t understand what it is,  until last year when I got a writer’s block.
For those who don’t know much about me, I am a short story writer. Last year while researching on a story I checked out one of my fellow author’s blogging site . I took it to be a website but later after enquiring her about it,  I got a clear check on this topic. Much later after that during new year I started blogging. 🙂

Advice to new bloggers

1.Write from your heart, write honestly, be true to yourself.

2.Follow every blog that “likes” your posts and visit their sites too, it will give you ideas for your own.

3.Visit many sites, leave comments and follow them, you will learn so much

4.Accept awards, be grateful and have fun!
5. If you want followers don’t stop writing. The day you stop writing,  they stop following you.

6. Write on topics which capture people’s attention otherwise write something which captures your attention.

The nominees are:
1.Colette B
4. Musaodhiambo
Congratulations to all those who have been nominated and the ones whose names have not been mentioned please don’t be sad because your hard work will be rewarded someday.